
Spin Welding is the preferred technique for thermoplastic parts with a circular axis joint which have high bond strength/hermeticity requirements. Duringspin welding, one part is held stationary in a holding fixture while second part is rotated against it under pressure at speeds up to 16,000 rpm. This resulting friction causes the joining surfaces to melt and fuse together, producing strong hermetic welds.
We offer a multitude of models ranging in maximum speeds up to 16,000 RPM and are available in both servo-electric (orientation based) and pneumatic (inertial based) models for a wide array of applications.
- Ability to weld parts with circular joint that are not easily welded by ultrasonics.
- Relatively fast cycle times when compared with other methods.
- Compatible with most thermoplastics.
- Ideal for welding of PP and PE materials.
- Ability to weld several dissimilar materials.
- No consumables, fumes or emissions.
- High strength, hermetic welds are typical.
- Heat confined to weld interface.
- Easily automated.
- Low cost, quick change tooling.
- Low maintenance.
- Low power consumption.
Spin welding plastic products together such as Floater, paint tank, spherical toy, PP thermos cup, oil filter (for motor bike), spray connector, Thermos bottle interior...etc